Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo (Future Car ).

Bugatti's Vision Gran Turismo is a glimpse of the future ..............Well, this is interesting. Now that Bugatti has delivered all 450 examples of the Veyron 16.4, attention has turned to what the French carmaker and its corporate parent, the Volkswagen Group, could possibly do to top this rolling assault on physics (and, sometimes, good taste).

Is it wrong to drink alcohol while pregnant?

Though it is generally agreed binge-drinking poses significant risks to a foetus, authorities are split on the effect of moderate alcohol intake after 12 weeks.
“Thousands of middle class mums-to-be putting babies at risk with light drinking” as the complex issue of drinking during pregnancy rears its head once more.
The government’s chief medical officer recommends that pregnant women should avoid alcohol. But it comes with an important rider, namely that “if you do opt to have a drink, you should stick to no more than one or two units of alcohol (equivalent to one or two small glasses of wine) once or twice a week to minimise the risk to your baby”.
Urges women to avoid alcohol in the first three months in particular, because of the increased risk of miscarriage .
Mather and Wiles argue that infants can suffer from foetal alcohol syndrome, mental retardation, development and behavioural abnormalities, and low birth weight.
Even the expert on the other side– agrees that there can never be a 100% guarantee that any lower limit is safe. But equally, there is no robust evidence that drinking within advised limits after 12 weeks of pregnancy is harmful for the foetus.
As per investigated the drinking behaviour while pregnant of the mothers of 11,500 babies, and looked at the health of the children by the age of five. The results provided some comfort to women who drink moderately during pregnancy.
The children of heavy drinkers were more likely to be hyperactive and have behavioural and emotional problems, but the babies who were born to light drinkers suffered no ill effects.
But Expert says the evidence is not certain. He therefore advises that women should be told what the evidence is and its limitations so that they can make an informed decision. He too bemoans “a raft of conflicting guidance for women”.
Whether it is the conflicting guidance and headlines or a lack of advice from medical professionals, most mothers are unaware of the official limits, according to a YouGov poll for the charity Drinkaware. It found half of those surveyed were not given any advice about drinking while pregnant and only a fifth knew what the current guidance was. But reassuringly for those who urge abstinence, the remaining four-fifths thought the guidance stricter than it actually is.

Friday, October 2, 2015

iPhone 6S, 6S Plus pre-bookings begin acroos Inida

Pre-booking have started at major retail chains across the country. Industry officials said that iPhone 6S 64GB would cost about Rs. 72000/- and the 128GB version would be about Rs. 82000/-