Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More Young Lady have high levels of bad cholesterol in Study

A pan-India study of young lady from 10 metros and non-metros found 61% had excess LDL or high "bad cholesterol" levels, putting them at risk of developing cardiovascular disease early in life .

1 comment:

  1. Young women don't always have a good understanding of how cholesterol works and what the abbreviations and numbers mean, according to the Washington D.C.-based Society for Women's Health Research. Although the research organization reports that many women are aware that high cholesterol is a possible medical danger and try to limit the amount of cholesterol they put into their bodies, as little as 21 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 44 know their own cholesterol levels. Education about the "good" cholesterol, abbreviated as HDL, and the "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, as well as individual screenings can go a long way to helping younger women understand the health risks.
